
Posts Tagged ‘transition’

The Limitations of a Parent

In Uncategorized on October 6, 2011 at 6:52 pm

Being a parent is a big responsibility!  What other job requires on the job training, very little guidance or need for qualifications?  And with this, parents are the first to be blamed when things go wrong with their child.  I understood this even before I took on the role as a parent.  I worked with children and families and saw the stress and guilt parents felt as their child went through rough stages in their development.

Now it’s my turn to try to help my children get through a rough patch in their development.  My children are in transition and are, for the most part doing very well!  My son has transitioned to kindergarten seamlessly.  His acquisition of the Spanish language is incredible.  He is one of the few children in his class who has knowledge of the Spanish alphabet and phonetics, thus making him ready to embark on reading…in Spanish!  My daughter is doing well attending 1 preschool and has started taking dance classes and is thriving.

Even with the successes, there are some changes they do not understand, and will take some time to fully grasp.  The custody arrangement has changed.  They used to see their father every other week and stay with him the entire week.  Now they see him (approximately) 3 weekends a month, and unfortunately for the kids, the phone calls FROM him happen every few days.  My daughter calls him often.  My son does not like calling him.   Even though my son does not want to call his father, he misses him immensely.  He is 5 years old and just wants to see his daddy.  Every now and then his effect will change and he will start to cry and it’s because he misses his dad and wants to go to his house.

How do I explain the court system to a 5-year-old?  How do I explain why daddy picks him up on some Fridays, not all of them?  And when he asks why he doesn’t stay at daddy’s house too long, do I reply, “because that’s what the courts say?”  Of course not!  I do the best I can to let him know he will see his dad soon.  We have a calendar so he can mark off the days…but I know that’s not enough.  I allow him to draw pictures when he is sad…but that’s not enough.  When he is missing his father I ask if he wants to call him and my son says no.  So now what?

Now is when I take a step back and acknowledge my limitations as a parent, and in my case, as a Child Development Specialist.  Even with my degrees, my knowledge of emotional development, brain development, with an understanding of what he can and cannot comprehend at 5 years old, I need to admit that it’s not enough.  My limitations as a parent are exposed.  I cannot bring book knowledge and professional expertise and apply it to my baby boy.  My emotions are attached, my heart is attached  and quite honestly, I don’t know what to do help him “feel better.”

I know what will help my son, I know what he needs…but I have no power over making those things happen.  So I do the next best thing I know how to do as a parent…I utilize my resources and think about what I have suggested for parents in the past.  What is taking place in my son is so confusing…how could it not be?  It hurts his feelings, it makes him sad and when he is really sad and confused, he becomes withdrawn.

I’m grateful for OTHER child development professionals who I can call on to help me, my daughter and my son through this transition.  Yes, my limitations have been exposed, and that’s ok.  We all have limitations.  We all come to a point where professional knowledge plays no role in the life of your kids.  So with that,  I allow my son to cry, I pray for my son and I do my best to guide him through this…with the help of other professionals!

As a parent, never be afraid to admit your limitations, to expose your vulnerabilities and to reach out for assistance.  Yes, society EXPECTS us to have all the answers, but we don’t.  Sometimes the best answer is to ask someone else for the answer!  This will show tremendous strength in you!  It takes a strong parent to entrust your child with another person.  You know your child, you know their needs and it truly is O.K. if the information or ideas do not come from you.

Are You Ready? Is Your Child Ready?

In Uncategorized on August 11, 2011 at 2:19 pm


Preparing for a new school year seems to be overwhelming.  I keep reading about back to school supplies and lists given to parents by the school and blogs about the newest snacks.  Just reading it is overwhelming. 

My mind is in a different area when I think about a new school year.  First, let me confess, this is my first time getting ready for school.  Yes, I am a newbie and my son will be headed to kindergarten in a few weeks!  Exciting? Definitely!  Am I nervous? Of course!  As I get ready for school I have my own list of “must -do” and “must knows” and I will admit, they may seem a little overwhelming to some:
•Who is my sons’s teacher?
•How will they handle the transition/possible separation anxiety on the first day?
•Can I get (another) copy of the classroom songs amd reading list?
•What is the best form of communication: phone, email, in person or letter?

My list continues and in my opinion, this not only calms my nerves, but it will also be calming to my son because I will be able to answer any of his questions and mommy won’t be a wreck!  Another important aspect is that is makes me proactive in guiding my child’s success!  I have asked these qusstions and more.  The Program Director knows me, has emailed me at various times (which I appreciate) and I’m sure has NO doubt in her mind as to the level of involvement and partnering I am open to as a way to ensure my child transitions successfully.

I know I am truly blessed to have found an amazing charter school that not only embraces parents like myself, but encourages extensive involvement!  The school has been getting to know my child since May, when he had his “welcome appointment” at school.  This was a time for me to chat with the program director about my son, while one of the kindergarten teachers assessed my son’s skills through play and got a sense of his personality and temperment.  They have gotten to know me and my child even more as he completes kinder academy.  A parent and me program inside the kindergarten classroom to give the children (and parents) insight into the daily curriculum. 

So yes, as some buy supplies, I create more time with my son at his new school.  I know the transition will be tough at times.  Oh, I failed to mention this is a dual language program.  No English is spoken to the children in kindergten and most of first grade.  My son has already said to me, “mommy, the teacher doesn’t know english!”  He is adapting, but luckily, so will many of his other classmates…and me as well.

Let the journey of school begin and never be afraid or ashamed to be “that” parent.  Your child’s success is depending on you!